Student Spotlight: Joseph
Jul 17 2020
Student Spotlight - Joseph realized he did not have the necessary skills to get the kind of job he wanted; he needed training.
TLA Volunteer Olivia
Olivia came to The Literacy Alliance in May of 2020. She was looking for an opportunity to gain experience tutoring while attending Indiana University. She was nervous to start but soon found everyone friendly and welcoming. “I was a little nervous about making sure I had all the answers, but it’s okay not to know something.” Olivia quickly found that “Knowing something and being able to explain it to another person is very different.” She quickly adapted and now finds it fun to learn something new, alongside the students in the class.
Olivia hopes to have the opportunity to teach English abroad after she graduates. While she is currently tutoring TLA students in math, she hopes to transition to helping tutor in TLA’s ESOL program soon.
“Everyone I’ve met has very inspiring reasons for being in this class, and I admire them for their dedication.”
Jul 17 2020
Student Spotlight - Joseph realized he did not have the necessary skills to get the kind of job he wanted; he needed training.