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Feb 21 2024

Volunteer Spotlight: Alexa

Volunteer Spotlight

Volunteer Alexa

How long have you been volunteering with TLA?
I have been volunteering with TLA since January of 2023.

Why did you decide to volunteer at TLA?
I was looking for a volunteer opportunity that allowed me to work 1-on-1 with people in the Fort Wayne community. I also wanted to feel as though the time and effort spent while volunteering made a real impact on others. As soon as I learned about TLA and its mission, I was eager to join the team! I fell in love with the mission and the concept that literacy truly does change lives.

What has been the best part of your experience so far?
Tutoring students in math in a 1-on-1 setting has been the highlight of my volunteer experience. As we all know, math can be a very frustrating subject to learn. Learning new mathematical concepts, like fractions and algebra, for the first time is not intuitive or easy. Building mathematic problem-solving skills requires lots of repetition and lots of resiliency. With that being said, I have been completely amazed by every student’s dedication to learning math despite the frustrations that come with it. My favorite part is seeing students get genuinely excited when a new concept finally clicks. Seeing them light up with a smile when this “aha moment” clicks after working through problems countless times is just priceless.

What have you learned about yourself and others through volunteering at The Literacy Alliance?
The Literacy Alliance has allowed me to build meaningful relationships with people with diverse experiences, identities, and backgrounds. I have loved learning about each student’s journey and life story that has led them to their spot in The Literacy Alliance classroom. I have truly found myself in awe of the students’ resilience and dedication to improving their lives through education, no matter where they came from.

What would you say if you were to encourage someone else to volunteer with our organization?
I would strongly encourage anyone to volunteer with TLA. Every student, volunteer, teacher, site coordinator, and staff member I encountered during my experience with TLA was respectful, appreciative, and genuinely kind. In addition, the classroom I volunteered in was truly one of the most positive and supportive environments I have ever encountered. Everyone in that classroom, volunteers, teachers, site coordinators, and students alike, had one mission: to support each other in any way we could to make the learning experience as positive and productive as possible.

What is one of your favorite books you would suggest others to read?
High Achiever by Tiffany Jenkins.


Ali is moving to Indianapolis to pursue new opportunities. Before her departure, the RBC staff wanted to share their thoughts.

“Alexa, Ali to us, has been a great volunteer. She’s friendly and approachable as well as a capable tutor—all-important qualities for working with our students. She has been a great partner in learning in our classroom and is high on the list of students’ favorite tutors.” – Megan Knight, Site Coordinator

“We have enjoyed having Ali in class! So many students have made progress in our program from working with her.

Ali, shows up weekly fully committed and ready to offer any support to the students and me. She has been a pleasure to work with. We appreciate her very much and will miss having you in class.” –Tanisha Causey, Teacher.

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