Student Spotlight: Marvin
Jan 16 2021
My name is Marvin, and I am 53 years old. I was born in Marion, Alabama. My experience at The Literacy Alliance has been wonderful.
My name is Elizabeth. I am 21 years old, and I’m from Fort Wayne, Indiana. I have two children, as well as one on the way, and they are all boys. Ryan is 4, Keaton is 18 months, and a baby is due in January 2021. Ryan is autistic and has a sensory disorder. Although I am not currently working, I still manage to handle everything at home as much as I can.
I came to The Literacy Alliance to better my future. Getting my education was a struggle for me; I attended New Haven High school. I was quiet and an outcast. When it came to class time, I never asked questions because of being bullied my entire school career, which led to the unwillingness to learn. It wasn’t that I was not as smart as everyone else but instead, shy. I became pregnant with my oldest in my freshman year of high school. After accepting how dramatically this would affect my life, I got into a Fort Wayne program that helped teen moms continue their education. I did my best to stay in school. In my sophomore year, Ryan had many medical issues, everything from EKGs, brain and heart conditions, sleep studies to asthma, which resulted in my stress level shooting way up. I felt at the time that I had no other choice other than to drop out. I was in a relationship with my sons’ father, who was not supportive of me or my life goals. I lived with his family, who were not supportive and did not care about me or my future.
For the little amount of time I have been here at The Literacy Alliance, it has been phenomenal! I have over-come many obstacles just by attending my classes and taking the time out of class to educate myself. Amy is an incredible teacher with a load of patience! Learning that I can better myself for not only myself but also my children is a remarkable accomplishment. I know I can accomplish more now than the first day I walked through your door. Thank you!
When I get my diploma, I am going to college. I am going to major in nursing and make that my main career. My significant other told me, “Always have a backup career goal because anything can happen.” I know because of him to choose to have a minor in Art. I will continue to get my degree and push myself every day until I have accomplished what I want to achieve in my life.
My ride to get here has been a struggle. It has been long and rough, but well worth it. All I can say is that it’s ok to struggle, and it’s ok to have bad days. You must get back up on your feet and keep pushing yourself to be a better person for yourself and your future. Make time for yourself and no matter how hard you want to give up, never do it. Continue to push yourself. Life is not easy, but it will always be worth the struggle.
Update: Belle achieved her first goal and passed the high school equivalency text in November 2020! We are proud of our graduates!
Jan 16 2021
My name is Marvin, and I am 53 years old. I was born in Marion, Alabama. My experience at The Literacy Alliance has been wonderful.
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