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Jul 26 2024

Volunteer Spotlight: Victor

Volunteer Spotlight

TLA Volunteer Victor

How long have you been volunteering with TLA?   

Since January 2024.

Why did you decide to volunteer at TLA? 

I was looking for a place to volunteer and found TLA. I’ve always loved reading and wanted to help others enjoy the hobby.

What has been the best part of your experience so far? 

Meeting new people from other countries who are working towards learning a new language and/or obtaining their HSE. It has been a very fun experience learning about other people’s cultures and countries while working with them to improve their English.

Do you have a favorite volunteer role/task with our organization?

I enjoy helping with the ESL classes and the HSE prep.

What have you learned about yourself and others through volunteering at The Literacy Alliance?

I’ve learned that I enjoy helping people learn new skills and reach their goals.

What would you say if you were to encourage someone else to volunteer with our organization?

It is very rewarding to help others enjoy reading. Other options, such as assisting people in learning English as a second language or earning their high school equivalency, are just as rewarding and fun. I would highly recommend volunteering with TLA. It is a great organization, and you will have the opportunity to meet and work with many interesting, fun people.

What is one of your favorite books you would suggest others read?

It is hard to pick just one. A Walk in the Woods by Bill Bryson is one of my favorite books that I think many people would enjoy.

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