Donor Spotlight: Greg Solon
May 07 2021
I support The Literacy Alliance financially because I feel their high school equivalency (HSE) programs lead to meaningful...
The Literacy Alliance offices will be closed, and no classes will be held from Tuesday, December 24, 2024, through Wednesday, January 1, 2025. Regular office hours and Project Graduate (GED/HSE) classes will resume on Thursday, January 2, 2025. Project Connect (ELL) classes will restart on Monday, January 6, 2025. From our families to yours, have a safe and joyful holiday season!
Hi, my name is Thomas, but everybody calls me Tommy. I’ve just turned 38. I’m from Fort Wayne and was raised on the southeast side of town. My mother and father are still living, so it’s a blessing to have both parents in my life still. On my mother’s side, it’s six of us: three boys and three girls. On my dad’s side, I have two sisters. I’m my dad’s only son. I didn’t have any children because I’ve never been married, so I’m living the single life. Maybe one day God will bless me with a family of my own. My job right now is to complete the high school equivalency (HSE) program and look for work later.
I came to The Literacy Alliance because I wanted to give myself another chance to receive a high school equivalency (HSE) diploma. I think my past experiences with getting my diploma could’ve been better, but I didn’t have the support I needed from friends and family when I needed them the most. In reality, I didn’t need them. I needed the self-awareness that I could do it myself. I was down and out and lost my worth, so I had to pick myself up and try again.
Since I’ve been attending The Literacy Alliance, I’ve made a big jump. My goal is not yet completed, but I’m well on my way. I have completed everything with testing except for math, I’m proud of myself, and I thank GOD that he led me to this place.
“My advice to anyone who’s reading my story is never give up and stay positive no matter the circumstances or the trials we may face in life. Believe in yourself, set goals, and take one step at a time, no matter how long it takes you. Just do it. ”
I have all good things to say about the people and this place. My experience here has been wonderful. The teachers, staff and tutors are all great; they’ll help you if you don’t understand something. Out of all the places I’ve been to in Fort Wayne, I wish I would have found out about this place a long time ago because it’s great. I will refer anyone to The Literacy Alliance if they want to get their HSE.
I plan to do what I always wanted to do once I get my diploma. I’m thinking about taking a college course in business management to learn the ins and outs of running and owning my own business someday. I want to put my talents to use and create music; I’m going to be my own producer/songwriter.
My advice to anyone who’s reading my story is never give up and stay positive no matter the circumstances or the trials we may face in life. Believe in yourself, set goals, and take one step at a time, no matter how long it takes you. Just do it. My hopes and dreams are going to become my reality. I can see myself becoming a successful businessman, millionaire, and everything that comes with the territory. To sum it all up, I would like to express my gratitude to The Literacy Alliance for the hard work, and I’m very thankful to be a part of this force that’s helping people like us to become someone in this society, and I would love to give the love back. Thank you to The Literacy Alliance for all things and lives that this program has changed.
Tommy passed the high school equivalency exam in late March 2021, earning his diploma.
May 07 2021
I support The Literacy Alliance financially because I feel their high school equivalency (HSE) programs lead to meaningful...
Apr 24 2021
My name is Dulce. I am 33 years old, married and a full-time mother with three children- 2 boys and a girl.