Student Spotlight: Brianna
Jun 05 2021
My name is Brianna. I am 27 years old. I was born in New York and moved to Indiana when I was ten years old. I now live in Fort Wayne.
Hello! My name is Thomas. I’m 20 years young, and I’m from Cleveland, Tennessee. I have two younger brothers, no children or wife, and I’m currently unemployed.
I came to The Literary Alliance seeking to acquire my high school equivalency (HSE) diploma. After taking the placement test, both Amy and Mike told me I could take the test and have an 85% chance of success. It wasn’t good enough for me. I didn’t feel confident at all in the skills I had at that time. In my past, I fell far behind in all my classes as far as work goes, but thanks to The Literacy Alliance, I feel like I’m making a comeback. By regularly participating in these classes, I see myself making progress, and I feel smarter after every session! I’m beginning to remember a multitude of things I learned back in high school.
The Literary Alliance is such a calm environment. Unlike in your typical classrooms, where students would disrupt everyone in the room, everybody here respects the learning environment. It’s a whole lot easier to focus. The volunteers that come in as tutors are also part of what makes this place so great! There’s almost always someone if I need help.
“Things for me are getting better. I see myself growing every day, and I know that I’m going to make it one day. If you’re struggling out there without a diploma, sign up now. It’s a lot easier than you’d think, and I have The Literacy Alliance to thank for that.”
My mother, Jhenna, is one of my biggest inspirations; she recently got her diploma from TLA and recommended I come here too. Has someone ever told you, “If you work doing something you love to do, you’ll never work a day in your life?” That’s what I’m hoping to find after achieving my diploma. I plan to go to college for human psychology because I want to do something where I feel like I’m making a difference in people’s lives. I’m also excited to have access to better-paying jobs once I have a diploma as well.
Things for me are getting better. I see myself growing every day, and I know that I’m going to make it one day. If you’re struggling out there without a diploma, sign up now. It’s a lot easier than you’d think, and I have The Literacy Alliance to thank for that.
Update: Thomas passed the HSE exam in early 2021! Way to go, Thomas, and congratulations on accomplishing your goal!
Jun 05 2021
My name is Brianna. I am 27 years old. I was born in New York and moved to Indiana when I was ten years old. I now live in Fort Wayne.
May 26 2021
The name I was given was Asilah. I was born in the Bronx in New York state. I did not stay there long because my parents moved around a...