All classes are canceled on Tuesday, January 21, 2025, due to the weather.
Melinda Haines
Since January 2020, Melinda Haines has served as the chief executive officer of The Literacy Alliance.
Melinda’s family moved often throughout her growing-up years, but finally stayed put when she began her freshman year at what was then known as Columbia City Joint High School. She graduated from Kenyon College in Gambier, Ohio, where she was an English major.
Prior to this position, Melinda served for eight years as the director of the Purdue Fort Wayne Community Arts Academy. While at PFW, she earned her master of business administration degree and realized that she wanted to spend the final years of her career in a job that made a difference to the Fort Wayne community. So began a job search that led to The Literacy Alliance.
She has been married to Bruce Haines for 34 years and has two daughters: Hannah and Rachel. In her spare time, she enjoys reading, knitting, and being a volunteer reader at the Audio Reading Service.