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Aug 26 2024

Donor Spotlight: Jane McGraw

Donor Spotlight

Jane McGraw

What is your name and line of work?
Jane McGraw. Nonprofit Marketing and Development. (Retired)

What is your affiliation with The Literacy Alliance, and how long?
I’ve had the privilege of interacting with The Literacy Alliance (TLA), first as an employee, then as a donor, and more recently as a volunteer. I loved working part-time at The Literacy Alliance for two years after retiring from the Early Childhood Alliance in 2013. I have been a donor since 2014. I began volunteering in 2022 when the addition of Project Reads opened up the opportunity to tutor children.

Why do you choose to support TLA financially?
Education is a proven pathway out of poverty which can dramatically improve one’s quality of life. The Literacy Alliance focuses on both child and adult literacy. The need exists here in our local community for literacy programs, as evidenced by the 30,000 adults who lack a high school diploma and the influx of English language learners. In addition, I believe we must improve childhood literacy so that, by the end of third grade, all children are reading at grade level. Given that so many children have fallen behind in school as a result of the pandemic, Project Reads after-school tutoring program is all the more important.

I’ve observed TLA’s classes and seen the dynamic interactions between tutors and students, the “aha” moments, the feelings of accomplishment, and the thrill of building on learning week after week. These are life-changing experiences that translate failure into hope. I want to support this empowering process and its successful results.

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